Please contact Pam Santiago at 717.304.3291 or for ALL events related questions.
RTCM is a faith-based residential recovery support program for men who struggle with addictions. RTCM works with probation and parole officers and the courts to meet your court-ordered recovery support legal obligations.
At Restart Training Center Ministry we understand there are multiple causes when men become addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, etc. Some of the causes include traumatic experiences (e.g., auto accident, physical illness, sports injury, abuse, curiosity, rebellious attitude, etc.). Restart Training Center Ministry is here to help men who suffer from the life-controlling problem of addiction.
Fill out intake form
Phone Interview
Evaluation & Invitation
Send your tax-deductible love gift to:
Restart Training Center Ministry, Inc.
P.O. Box 153
Strasburg, PA 17579-0153