Thank You for Supporting Restart Ministry!

Your donate pledge has been submitted to Restart. Please submit payment by clicking below.

Note: The button below allows you to pay securely with a PayPal account OR with a debit/credit card. If you have a PayPal account or create an account, you can donate setup recurring monthly or annual donations. We appreciate your donation and hope to improve your online giving experience in the near future. Thank you for supporting the mission of Restart!

Note: The button BELOW allows you to pay securely with a PayPal, PayPal Pay Later, Venmo, Apple Pay, and Debit/Credit Card.

If you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to “Restart Training Center Ministry, Inc.” and mail to:
Restart Ministry
PO Box 153
Strasburg, PA 17579

Please memo/designate your donation for the fund(s) you selected on the donate form.

You can also submit debit/credit card payment over the phone by calling our Office Manager, Pam Santiago, at 717-304-3291.